How to Get Your Trade Show Display Booth to Promote Your Brand

Are you attending a trade show? Now is the time to promote your brand to the fullest. Take advantage of the opportunity your trade show display booth presents you by utilizing the following tips.

How to Get Your Trade Show Display Booth to Promote Your Brand

Have an Electronic Slideshow

Bring along an iPad or two, a computer, or even a projector and create a fascinating slideshow about your company, employees, and products. Having an iPad and computer is also a great way to record visitor information quickly and easily.

Give Out Brochures

Participants at the trade show will be visiting dozens or even hundreds of booths in one day. They won’t remember all of them. Hand out brochures so that they have a way to be reminded of your company after the show has ended. Include discounts and coupons in your brochures as an incentive to keep them.

Get Your Brand Out There

There are dozens of ways to get your brand out there. You can tip bartenders, attendants, shuttle drivers, and even janitors to wear t-shirts, caps, and even wristbands and necklaces with your company’s logo. You can tip the guy who runs the frankfurter stand to wrap the franks in paper with your logo on it. Perhaps you can even get some of the tables with refreshments covered with tablecloths bearing your logo. Anything is possible; you just need to be creative and figure out something that works for your unique situation.

You also need to come up with a unique design for your trade booth. For help with that, just contact us.

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